Tomography (Contracted)
Computerized tomography (CT): A technique that uses X-Rays to examine the body in thin slices (3-10 mm). Our body helps us to recognize the diseases of the organs inside in this way. The speed of multi-segment CT devices has increased by the developing technology and the thickness of the section has decreased.
Whole body is displayed in slices in a single breath hold (15-20 seconds) and continuous sections are processed on computers thus the anatomy can be better understood. The patient must lie still on the computerized tomography table during the examination. A large number of cross-sectional images are taken by the device to view the corresponding body part as the table moves towards the middle part of the device.
There is no pain or discomfort during the examination. In the abdominal CT examination, it is easy to distinguish the masses in the intestine or on the wall from the other tissues by filling all the intestines with stained water, usually drank by patient. In the same examination, the condition of the veins, the relationship between the mass and the vessels, the blood characteristics of the mass and the appearance of the masses are ensured by coloring the blood with the medication rapidly pumped to the veins. It is a preferred method as it can be carried out rapidly and enables examination of many organs in minutes. The process of computerized tomography is called by the organ to be examined. For example, if the abdominal area is to be examined, it is called “abdominal CT” and if the chest cage is to be examined, it is called “thoracic CT”.
In a special method of computerized tomography which is similar to colonoscopy, and the internal structure of the colon is evaluated and information about the bowel structures on the diseased area can be obtained. This method is also known as ” virtual colonoscopy.”