Eye Diseases


Having routine eyes examination is extremely important for us to live a healthy and happy life. Our Ophthalmology Department serves with specialist physicians.

 Department of Ophthalmology treats

  • Astigmatism,
  • Sty,
  • Daltonism,
  • Inflammation of the iris,
  • Iritis,
  • Cataract,
  • Cornea,
  • Myopia,
  • Retina

He treats his discomfort.
State-of-art devices are in service in our center for

  1. EYE DRYNESS (Schirmer test, floresein dyes, etc.) DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT (artificial tear drops, Stoppers, etc.)
  2. CATARACT DIAGNOSIS (keratometry , biometrics) and TREATMENT (stitched PEKKE) or seamless (FACO) operations)
  3. GLAUCOMA (eye pressure) DIAGNOSIS (measurement of intraocular pressure, evaluation of optic nerve, gonioscopy) TREATMENT (medication, laser or surgery)
  • The diagnosis and treatment of refractive errors
  • Lazy eye (amblyopia) diagnosis and treatment (glasses, closure application etc.)
  • Strabismus diagnosis and treatment (glasses, closure treatment surgery ).


There are state-of-the-art devices for the diagnosis and treatment of basic eye diseases in our department.

These are;

  • Autokeratorefragtometer used for detecting eye numbers and corneal curvature
  • Noncontact tonometer, which provides automatic measurement of eye pressure and performs without contacting the eye
  • Phacometer that allows detailed measurement of your diopter value
  • Chart projector used for testing the visual acuity of patients during eye examination
  • Biomicroscope used for examining the frontal and rear segments of the eye during the examination
  • Unit for ensuring the comfort for patients during the eye examination and keeping the devices together to complete the examination without moving the patient
  • Ultrasonographic biometry that detects the number of the lens to be placed in the eye during cataract surgery
  • An advanced surgical microscope system for the eye surgery
  • Phacoemulsification device equipped with the latest technology that is available for cataract surgery 


In our center, all eye surgeries can be performed under general anesthesia or under topical (by using drops), local (by using a certain area) or under general anesthesia, depending on the doctor and patient’s wishes.