

Endoscopy is an examination procedure using a tube shaped pliable tool with an embedded special light source that enables taking images with the camera attached. This device is called the endoscope.



If you have problems with swallowing and chewing,

ongoing heartburn,


snoring episodes during sleep and aphonia, 

diarrhea or abdominal pain after meals ,

stomach ache,

upper digestive tract bleeding,


accidental intake of foreign substance, changes in bowel movement system,

bloody stool,

need to check the digestive system due to a previous diagnosis,

bowel laziness,

constipation or diarrhea that has not improved for a long time,

abnormal findings in intestinal images; then you need an endoscopy


Is endoscopy is a difficult procedure for the patient?

Endoscopy has been used for 40 years in the examination of the digestive system. There are devices are much more mobile, flexible, thinner and have a higher image capacity than before. The success of the endoscopy and the comfortable endoscopy procedure for patient varies depending on who is doing it, where it is done, how it is done, and whether there is an experienced assistant team. If there is no obstacle, patient should be put on medication as a preliminary preparation. First of all, before the gastroscopy procedure the patient’s circumference of tongue root and epiglottis is numbed by a spray used by dentists affecting the region. This eliminates nausea. Then, relaxing and mild sleep-inducing drugs are administered to the veins in the arm. Endoscopy is very comfortable when done this way. Most of the time, after the procedure is over patient asks: “Did you really perform gastroscopy?  In addition, if necessary stimulating medication can be administered after the endoscopy. The patient may go back to work after an hour or two. But we suggest no driving and not engaging in activities that require extreme attention on that day.

How is endoscopy performed?

An extremely soft, 8-10 millimeters thick tube passes through the esophagus to reach the stomach and the duodenum. The entire colon is examined in the colonoscopy. There is a camera at the end of the device, which is approximately 110-120 cms in length, and it reflects the regions it passes to a television screen. The doctor examines the images of the internal surface of the patient’s examined area and concludes the diagnosis. During this procedure, the patient’s pulse and oxygen levels are monitored. If necessary, a piece is taken for diagnosis (biopsy) or treatment can be applied such as stopping bleeding, and removal of polyps. Gastroscopy is completed in 3-5 minutes and colonoscopy is completed in 15-20 minutes. At least 6 hours of fasting is necessary prior to these operations. While fasting is enough for gastroscopy, for colonoscopy the intestines should be cleaned via special medication used for two days.

What are the risks of endoscopy?


The process of gastroscopy and colonoscopy has certain risks, depending on both the procedure  and the anesthesia.The risks associated with the procedure include bowel perforation, bleeding that does not exceed 0.2%. The risks associated with the anesthesia applied to the patient vary according to the patient’s comorbidity. Therefore,  different amount of anesthetic drug is applied to each patient. According to the patient’s comorbidity, even the endoscopy process is not carried by considering the risks. In light of all this, endoscopic devices are one of the most important leverage of today’s medicine.  Today, the number of cancer in the esophagus, stomach and large intestine seems to be increasing dramatically because of the changes in our dietary habits and the foods we consume full of hormones.

These cancers, which were previously caught in the last stage, can be caught in the early stage with the widespread use of endoscope. For example, endoscopy screening is free in Japan for all citizens ;because, gastric cancer is the most commonly encountered cancer. Hence, Japan has become the country with highest prevalence of gastric cancer and also the country who demonstrated the sharpest decline in the number of stomach cancer related deaths. Today, with the development of auxiliary equipment in endoscopy cancer is detected in the early stage and is treated without the need of surgery, with endoscopy.